The North Aegean Cup
brief History

The international sailing week of the North Aegean, organized by the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki began in 1978. A difficult start because of the earthquakes in Thessaloniki.

In the beginning, the races had their headquarters on Scopelos island. Afterwards, they moved to Porto Carras Halkidiki, where the founder of the resort, John C. Carras, sponsored the first challenge cup and some years later the "Alexander the Great" challenge cup by Vourakis Jeweleries.

The N.C.T., insisting in the athletic quality of the event, finally restricted participation to racing yachts, which in the beggining were IOR measured, announced the races according to the International Yacht Racing Rules and invited an International Jury. The North Aegean Cup is now considered the most important nautical event in the Eastern Mediterranean with participants from Turkey and the former Soviet Union.

Following the international development, in 1993, the N.C.T. announced the races also for IMS measured yachts and its former President Stavros Constantinidis sponsored the third challenge cup "Philippos II"

Finally this year, only IMS measured yachts were eligible to participate, racing in the categories Racer and Cruiser/Raser. At the same time, the Club organized the first "East Mediterranean IMX - 38 CUP" with the challenge trophy sponsored by Christina Philippou, Director of Public Relations, and the Helllenic Yachting Federation entrusted the Club with the organization of the first Panhellenic Championship for IMX - 38 yachts with the main cup sponsored by the Association of their owners.

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